HorizonDEX is successfully Audited by SOLIDProof, DEFIMOON and by Hacken. SOLIDProof is a well-established auditing firm in the blockchain industry, specializes in smart contract audits and security assessments. SOLIDProof is the top-tier smart contract auditor that has completed 700+ successful audits of some of the most well-known teams and projects, including PinkSale, CultDao, UNCX Network, Zyberswap etc SOLIDproof Audit Proof : https://github.com/solidproof/projects/blob/main/2023/Horizon%20DEX
Hacken is one the best smart contract auditor that has completed 1,200+ successful audits of some of the most well-known teams and projects, including Avalanche, Polygon, Klaytn , Near, Sandbox, Polkastater, Kyber Network, IOTex, Dao maker etc. Hacken Audit Proof : https://github.com/Horizon-Dex/Audits/blob/a1c7f31238a7b0d3390f37d178d855cf284cdcee/HorizonDEX_SC%20Comparison%20Report_11.07.2023_SA-1644%20(2).pdf
Again, DEFIMOON is the International Blockchain Development & Security Agency. It provides professional services and solutions at the highest quality on world-leading chains.Defimoon has conducted audits for reputable projects such as Algem, Inverse Finance, LedgeFi, Spharium, Vyper Protocol, and more. DEFIMOON Audit Proof: https://github.com/Defimoonorg/Audit-Report/blob/main/Horizon-Dex.pdf DEFIMOON Token Sale Contract Audit: https://github.com/Horizon-Dex/Audits/blob/main/Horizon-Sale_Reaudit.pdf
In addition, our code is built entirely on Kyberswap Elastic, which has undergone numerous audits with impressive results.
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